8:00 - 8:00
Opening Hour Mon - Fri
The Bank has set up dispensaries at offices and at most of the staff quarters situated at different centers across the country for the purpose of providing medical facilities. The RBI retirees who have opted for the dispensary facilities at the time of their retirement, by paying a lumsum amount are eligible for availing the Bank’s dispensary facility. Since there was no dispensary facility at Kochi office arrangements were made with nearby Lisie hospital in lieu of the Bank’s dispensary. Even the BMOs looking after the RBItes are specialists in various faculties and we are getting all medical needs under one roof. Recently, the Bank proposed to have a Bank’s Medical Consultant at the office premises besides the existing arrangements with the Lisie Hospital. This arrangement is running smoothly.
Medical Assistance Fund Scheme (MAFS) was introduced in RBI with effect from January 1, 1987 to provide financial assistance for meeting a part of the hospitalization expenses incurred by the “serving employees and their eligible family members” and by the “retired employees and their spouses” for treatment within India. From April 1, 2009, the MAF Scheme was converted into a scheme available to members only after their retirement. The Group Mediclaim Policy introduced in RBI from 2007, customized for the Bank’s requirements under the MAF scheme. Accordingly the policy is purchased by the Bank from one of the General Insurance companies in India on the basis of competitive quotations. The insurance company in turn deploy the services of a TPA(Third Party Administrators) to operate the scheme. The Policy cover is available for indoor hospitalization. Cashless facility is available in select network hospitals under the TPA ? Insurance Co. As regards treatments in other hospitals we have to make the payment and prefer a claim for reimbursement.
The scheme introduced from January 1, 2018 is now applicable only for pensioners who are above 70 years of age and subject to grade wise ceilings. However, the scheme is not applicable to the recipients of ex gratia. Medical Consultations required for wellbeing and disease control of the member, Medical Consultations from general physicians and specialists – Allopathy as well as AYUSH are included. Treatment modalities covered includes vaccinations, diagnostics and treatment procedures, dressings, foreign body removal, fracture reduction, psychotherapy, nutritional counselling, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, exercise therapy, ayurvedic therapies, yoga, etc., dagnostic procedures, Lab Investigations- Biochemistry, Pathology, Radiological etc. It covers suitable screening tests and health check-ups done to check the health status of the member (and spouse) and all sorts of Out Patient treatments. This is facilitated by a separate Group Mediclaim Policy purchased by the Bank from the general insurance companies in the country and administered through TPAs.